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Are things better or worse?

I’ve been ‘Joe Wicks’d’ again… 20 exercises in 20 minutes with no rest today. He’s bloody killing me!

However, I did note that Joe stopped on several occasions today.

I’m still trying to work out whether he’s genuinely knackered or whether he’s simply trying to make me feel better – to be honest, either way, I’ll feel better! I just like to see him look like he’s suffering!


Things aren’t just tough inside my home in Fuseta:

In Spain yesterday, the death toll rose above that of China. 738 people died as a result of the virus.

In Portugal, we’re in a ‘State of Emergency,’ and we’ve moved into the Mitigation phase – the most critical phase – when transmission of the virus is via locals as opposed to people who have entered the country.

What this means in terms of lock down, I’m not yet sure, but the fact I’m already in Mandatory Confinement suggests that I won’t be in a much worse position.

The one thing that has given me pause for thought is the fact that Easyjet will no longer be flying between Portugal and the UK next week.

Mmmm… I’m not sure how that makes me feel.

On a positive note though, the rate of daily deaths and infections in Italy has fallen, and in the UK the daily death rate has suddenly halved.

In addition, Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London, having previously warned of Armageddon, now says that the NHS will stay within capacity, and maybe the UK will be out of this by Easter!

Who knows what the facts are, but at least it seems positive.

Having said that, I’ve been reading various posts today stating that the UK’s statistics are being massaged and that we should take them with a pinch of salt – and be VERY worried.

Again, who knows? I’m in no position to judge, and for my state of mind, I’d rather believe that the statistics are correct. If they’ve been massaged then that’s probably the result that the government was looking for – so both the government and myself will be happy!

Well, to be honest, I’m not totally happy.

I’m still not sure what is going to happen about Will’s exams. Sue tells me that there is a government page with the relevant information on it, but I haven’t been able to find it.

Everything seems to have gone very quiet on this, and all I could find was a piece stating that they were working on it and would reveal all soon. Great. The futures of thousands of kids depend on the answer, and there still isn’t one.

I really hope they pull their fingers out and put all these kids out of their misery.

What I’m also not happy about is that fact that Sue’s flights in April have been cancelled. As a result, she’s had to rearrange them. But the obvious question is when will be a good time to come?

When will planes be flying again? When will Portugal be open for business? When will overseas visitors no longer be required to enter quarantine?

We might as well stick a wet finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and make a guess.

We just don’t know.

I’m due back in the UK in June, but I’m beginning to have my doubts that these flights will be on, so we may well have to change them as well.

We’ve looked at prices over the summer, and they’re not cheap.

So it’s looking like October, and that’s a bloody long way off! Bollocks!

Sue and I may have to wait a long time to catch up again…

Bloody virus!

If you want to read more about my experiences during the Coronavirus lockdown of 2020, click on the logo below – this will take you to viralchitchat.com

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