A Photo of Olhao Street Art - turquoise, green, gold and white shapes

The Decision

Like most people, I’ve always dreamed of owning a house on the coast, a house by the sea.

I’ve never wanted a mansion, just a house with a view, a house that was somewhere warm, a house from which I could see, or at least feel the water.

Did I ever think it would happen?

No chance. How could I ever afford that?! Plus, I had a job, a mortgage.

I was simply the average dreamer: “That’s what I want!” I thought.

I might as well have thought that I wanted a trip to the moon. No chance…

And then I met Sue. We met and made a life in England. She gave me the family I’d always wanted, and I gave her… well, God knows what I gave her, but she seemed to appreciate it.

Then (through some unbelievable employer incompetence) I came into some money – enough money to pay off the mortgage on my cottage in Sussex. But was that what we really wanted?

We now had a decision to make – and Sue made it easy.

“You have chances in life, and most people never take them! Go for it!”

Go for it…

She was right. I had to go for it. If it didn’t work, would that be it? Of course not! It would be a bit of a bummer, but bloody hell! A house by the sea…

So I sold my house in the UK and went for it….

“Blinking Flamingos! The musings of a middle-aged bloke living in the Eastern Algarve: one who has no idea what he’s doing…: